Specialists in personalised communication
At Citizen, our team has years of experience in both personalised communications to support better health and wellbeing, and in the NHS. However, a significant tranche of our valuable experience around communications to encourage behaviour change comes from research and practices in highly competitive consumer sector.
We believe that personalised digital video technology can become a highly effective and cost-saving tool for the NHS and private health and wellbeing providers. That’s why we’re directing all our energy towards introducing the use of the most engaging medium of communication – personalised video – to the UK health sector.
Our team
Allen McKay
Managing Director
Building on his knowledge and experience of general marketing, communication and behaviour change related to health and the NHS, Allen has pioneered the use of personalised video technology within the health and care sector, both in the UK and internationally for almost ten years.
Sylvie Spark
Founder and Director of Insight & Strategy
Sylvie designs communication and content strategies based on a deep understanding of behavioural science and the insights gained through her rigorous approach to research and discovery. She uses skills and knowledge gained in the UK and internationally across the commercial and third sector, to create strong connections that nudge people to make behaviour changes.
Marcus Willox
Commercial Director
With decades creating markets for retail propositions in the UK and internationally, Marcus believes in ‘transparent value exchange’ between agency originators and commercial service providers; beyond transactional ROI to improvements in operational efficiencies and cost structures, end user benefits and outcomes, and equal accessibility for providers and end users – important elements for organisations delivering health care programmes.
Working with us
Citizen Communications are pioneers in personalised health video communication. We’re specialists in communicating health information in a way that creates emotional connection, promotes action and encourages lifestyle changes.
We’ll work with you to develop and integrate personalised video to support your populations, enabling you to shift to digital communications without losing the human touch.